The Twins

Well this has been an interesting couple of days. There I am deciding to sell some more stuff to try and build a bigger arcade and BOOM, I see a post on a site selling another Sega New Astro City cabinet. After some fancy footwork we came to an arrangement and I will soon be the owner of TWINS!!
One will be my CPS2 cab and one will be my low res Naomi cab. It's like heaven.
The new one appears to be in better cosmetic condition than the old one, so I have decided to name them Bob (old one) and Vincent (new one). Curious if anyone will get that reference... nerds.
Funny story, upon hearing the news Cara asked if this meant that I would have the three cabinets I wanted... I corrected her to say that it means I will have three cabinets that I want. Saying "the three" sounds way too restrictive and generally dishonest.