Sunday, February 03, 2008

Always proof read your work

I was going through some of my game related stuff when I stumbled on this page from a Gamefan magazine.

Hopefully the scan will do it justice, not sure if you can read it or not.. not sure if you should read it or not.... the article is misplaced in the magazine, it's supposed to be about sports but instead it's about an Ace Combat game and it's a bit offensive. I remember finding it really hard to find this issue of Gamefan, turns out it was because they pulled it from most distributors as soon as they noticed the mistake. The next issue had a BIG apology to everyone. Neat bit of crazy history and the end of a game reviewers career... as well as an editors I'm sure.

In Neo Geo news, not much is new... got Samurai Shodown 1 and 4 last week for cheap, so now my machine is mostly all Samurai Shodown which while cool is not the goal... gotta get some variety in there!


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