Sunday, June 14, 2009

better late than never

Please forgive the lack of updates. I have been horribly depressed in a video game sense due to destroying a rare and expensive piece of art and wasting $150 in the process.

So, while scanning local garage sale type sites I come across an ad for Street Fighter 3 in an arcade cab with a couple other games. I call and talk to them, make arrangements to buy the Street Fighter 3 game... turns out it's Street Fighter 3: Third Strike and worth like $400+

Of course there is a catch.... CPS3 boards have a nasty suicide battery that was designed to ensure that the game code and the game could not be pirated. The battery only lasts so long and if it dies the game is dead cause Capcom no longer takes them in to reprogram them.

I opened the game up and saw that the battery was dated 1993... years before the game was even made so not only did it have it's original battery but the battery was old to begin with. Not good.

Some people smarter than I had figured out how to swap the battery though so I read up on that and begun.... this did not go well. I was using a solder wick to get rid of the old solder and it turns out that the wick is also conductive since it's made of copper... and I shorted the whole thing out and lost the game. FRIG.


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